I was raised in a Christian home. My parents were both saved before I was born. I was in church every time the church doors were open from the day I was born. By the age of four, I had heard all of the Bible stories, and one day I asked my daddy how I could go to Heaven. We went to my room and knelt by my bed, and my daddy told me how to go to Heaven. I was saved that day and have never looked back.
My name is Andy Richey, missionary to East Africa. I work with Peter Morris, a veteran missionary of this field for eighteen years. Since working together, God has allowed us the blessing of starting many churches while working with national men. We have also held training seminars across Kenya. Those with whom we have worked are begging us to do more to train their people in biblical doctrine and church planting.
Our desire is to move forward in this work. Our plan is to start a pattern church, start a Bible college to train nationals, and then set up mobile training seminars to reach into rural areas and villages throughout East Africa. Though many churches have been started, much more needs to be done. This is a necessary progression to have any hope of fulfilling the Great Commission across this region!
This will take much work and sacrifice, which we are ready to do. We invite you to prayerfully consider partnering with us in this effort through prayer and finances. Please contact me if you would allow us the opportunity to share our burden and calling with you and your church.