– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – DAVID COMBE FAMILY – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Serving in Mexico City, Mexico

David's Birthday 03/24
Holly's Birthday 08/05
Wedding Anniversary 05/02
David and Holly Combe have been married for 21 years and have 5 children: Hannah, Jasper, Chloe, Leah and Mary. They have been missionaries in Mexico City, Mexico since September 3, 2005.
Upon graduation from Texas Baptist College in Longview, TX, Dr. Bob Gray, our pastor, recommended we prepare to leave the country as missionaries. We spent a few years raising our monthly financial support through the tax deductible gifts of churches, companies and individuals throughout America. Just before leaving for Mexico, we sold our home and most of our household furnishings. Our first year was spent learning the Mexican culture and the work of the ministry in Mexico from veteran missionary Dr. Kevin Wynne. We were privileged to have learned from this great man of God who has 23 years of experience on the mission field.
On September 3, 2006, we started the Iglesia Bautista Monte Calvario in the delegation of Alvaro Obregón located in the southwest part of Mexico City. The growth numerically has been steady and we have had a high day attendance of over 100.
David and Holly Combe are missionaries in Mexico City, Mexico. It is one of the largest cities in the world with over 25 million inhabitants, yet, with only a handful of Bible preaching churches.
Our purpose and desire in Mexico City is to reach as many people with the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through the Iglesia Bautista Monte Calvario.
Sending Church
Faith Baptist Church
Oak Creek, WI 53154
(414) 301-9319

(956) 577-1017
(210) 668-6682
