– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – DAVID CORN FAMILY – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

(713) 857-7206

10310 Sablebrook Ln
Houston, TX 77095

February 2022
Ministry Update from Evangelist David and Joy Corn
Dear Praying Friends,
On Thursday, March 3, we launch back out into evangelism. It has been such a high honor to serve on staff as youth pastor at Christchurch Baptist Fellowship in Houston, TX under Pastor Johnny Pope for the last two years. It has been such a blessing to be able to preach to the teens twice a week, coordinate activities, help with the bus route, and serve as youth pastor. We have seen God do some amazing things in the last 2 years! From souls saved, to people baptized, to families from the bus getting saved and joining the church, to watching the teens bring scores of visitors, to building an escape room, to marriage retreats, to getting to know the staff better, to getting to know many church members better, to going to youth conferences and church camp, to seeing Carson’s therapists come to church… It has been a blessing to serve God, doing His will!
On Thursday, March 3, we launch back out into evangelism. It has been such a high honor to serve on staff as youth pastor at Christchurch Baptist Fellowship in Houston, TX under Pastor Johnny Pope for the last two years. It has been such a blessing to be able to preach to the teens twice a week, coordinate activities, help with the bus route, and serve as youth pastor. We have seen God do some amazing things in the last 2 years! From souls saved, to people baptized, to families from the bus getting saved and joining the church, to watching the teens bring scores of visitors, to building an escape room, to marriage retreats, to getting to know the staff better, to getting to know many church members better, to going to youth conferences and church camp, to seeing Carson’s therapists come to church… It has been a blessing to serve God, doing His will!
Our hearts were torn as we sought God’s will about the future. One reason is because we love our pastor so much, and also because we love these teenagers so much! But we know that if God is calling us into evangelism, then He has something greater for the teens here in Houston. We are confident that God will take care of His church, and we are excited to see how God will do that in the future.
As I think about God’s Kingdom and the role that He has for me in His service, God has impressed some thoughts on my mind. If I leave Christchurch as youth pastor, then God will bring someone else to take our place. If I don’t return into evangelism and our public school outreach, then it’s unlikely someone else will take our place. No man is indispensable, but God does want to use each one of us in specific ways. We feel that for this time, evangelism is what God wants us to do. So we are excited to continue to pursue His will!
From the family side, the year has been a blessing as well. God enabled us to rent a house these last two years, which is the first time in our married life that we have lived in a house. God allowed our kids to get to know one set of their grandparents. God allowed a year-and-a-half of therapy for Carson. We have seen improvements with his communication board and also with his mobility. He scoots around regularly, even going down the stairs often. Addisyn started homeschooling this year, and the kids have loved having a house with a backyard! Landon has been very energetic, and has enjoyed the room. Joy was able to have a pregnancy without having to travel, and Brooklyn has been a joy to all of us!
Although we traveled in evangelism for 9 years, it feels a lot different launching out this time. We have never traveled with four kids, and we have never traveled doing homeschooling. Also Carson is a lot older and bigger than he was than when we stepped off the road, and life is busier than ever. We covet your prayers for a smooth transition on the road, enjoyable time in ministry for me and my family, and a fruitful time in ministry. We are thankful that God has lined up meetings for us for the rest of this year. We are thankful that in our first meeting God has opened the door in 8 public schools! We are praying God opens doors, brings lost souls to hear the gospel, saves people, and gives us fruit that remains!
Our plan is to travel for the next 2 months (March and April), and then come back to Houston for 2 months (May-June) because Joy has a needed medical procedure. I will travel to a couple of camps in June, and then we will hit the road again in July and will not be back to Houston until November. Please pray for God to lead every step of the way, fill us with His power, and produce a great year of fruitful evangelism.
Preaching the Gospel,
Evangelist David and Joy Corn
II Cor. 12:9